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Decolonize Your Practice

Dismantle Barriers to Connection

1 h
To Be Determined
Location 1

Service Description

Mental Health Organizations/Therapist/and those interested in establishing and mantaining a practice that is rooted in anti-colonialism will explore and work through barriers to supporting BI&PoC folks in healing work. Participants will be encouraged to adopt a anti-colonial, anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens. We will work through the following: 1) What is decolonization and anti-colonialism? How have you internalized colonized values? 2) How does colonization show up in the mental health field? 3) How is it upheld at your practice? (policies, staffing, insurance) 4) We will explore how your company culture uphold coloinization and collectively explore realistic ways to dismantle it. 5) How to practice and begin the process of creating safe(r) spaces for colleagues and clients that seek out your services. How to: Please reach out to me via email at, we will discuss the needs of your organization and determine if our values and practice align, and collectively develop a realistic plan and timeline to discuss how to implement anti-colonial approaches in your practice. Rates: Organizations: Variable hourly rate Individual Clinician Consult: Equity pricing: $150-200 for white folks, $50-$100 for BI&PoC clinicans-60 minute consult via zoom- Topics and/or case consult.

Contact Details

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